Practice, Practice, Practice...
Friday, July 10, 2009

Hey Folks!
I hope you are all well. I am sorry for the long silence here. Between the Spring tour, recording the new record… and trying to spend a little time at home with my sweetie… The web site has been a little neglected. So, for the moment, here are some brief highlights…
Practice, Practice, Practice…
It is official! I will be performing at Carnegie Hall in November, hosted by the Weill Music Institute! There will be 10 or so performances over the course of 5 days, all for NYC Public School kids! How totally cool Eh? The Weill Music Institute seeks to serve schools that have inadequate or no music program. They take music from artists like myself, assemble a curriculum that goes out to those schools, and then bring the kids in, toward the end of term to experience the music they have been studying. My song Adonde Pertenezco was chosen as one of the primary Curriculum pieces. I am psyched! What a GREAT song for a bunch of NYC school kids to learn. I am so totally honored that they wanted it to be a part of the program.
In addition to my folk and social conscience music, there will be two other acts on the bill. A Chinese opera singer, and a Latin Jazz quartet from Cuba! We will perform 2 shows a day for 5 days. AMAZING!!! I could not be happier. What an honor!
The New CD…
Links In A Chain is officially done and released. The release is actually happening over the course of the summer in stages… but it is on its way! Those of you, who pre-ordered the CD, should receive the discs by the end of this coming week.
And… the disc is now available through CD Baby as good old hard copies (with all the nice photography and art-work!) either through CD Baby or directly from Turtle Bear Music! or call 206-619-4104.
As Always… THANKS to all of you for your continued support and encouragement!
In Peace & Song…
I hope you are all well. I am sorry for the long silence here. Between the Spring tour, recording the new record… and trying to spend a little time at home with my sweetie… The web site has been a little neglected. So, for the moment, here are some brief highlights…
Practice, Practice, Practice…
It is official! I will be performing at Carnegie Hall in November, hosted by the Weill Music Institute! There will be 10 or so performances over the course of 5 days, all for NYC Public School kids! How totally cool Eh? The Weill Music Institute seeks to serve schools that have inadequate or no music program. They take music from artists like myself, assemble a curriculum that goes out to those schools, and then bring the kids in, toward the end of term to experience the music they have been studying. My song Adonde Pertenezco was chosen as one of the primary Curriculum pieces. I am psyched! What a GREAT song for a bunch of NYC school kids to learn. I am so totally honored that they wanted it to be a part of the program.
In addition to my folk and social conscience music, there will be two other acts on the bill. A Chinese opera singer, and a Latin Jazz quartet from Cuba! We will perform 2 shows a day for 5 days. AMAZING!!! I could not be happier. What an honor!
The New CD…
Links In A Chain is officially done and released. The release is actually happening over the course of the summer in stages… but it is on its way! Those of you, who pre-ordered the CD, should receive the discs by the end of this coming week.
And… the disc is now available through CD Baby as good old hard copies (with all the nice photography and art-work!) either through CD Baby or directly from Turtle Bear Music! or call 206-619-4104.
As Always… THANKS to all of you for your continued support and encouragement!
In Peace & Song…