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Joe Jencks

All About Love 5:02

I was in a hotel room in Austin, still grieving the loss of my brother Jerry and awash in a sea of music industry whoopla. My friend and road brother Pat Wictor sat me down and played his song ~ I Will Walk With You. "On your passage into shadow, you will not go alone, I will walk with you down your darkest road." My heart cracked wide open. It was what I needed, a friend. While I was recovering at home from the conference, I wrote this song. An affirmation of life! I am pleased that fate allowed all of my living siblings to sing on this song. I set up my portable recording rig in a hotel room in Windsor, CT while we were all gathered for my Aunt Ann's 80th Birthday celebration. Listen for the voices at the end of the song. As long as we breathe may we revel in our songs, those we share and those we hold in our hearts.  John, Julie Jean, Jamie and Jen… I Love You. Thank you for the music! Wherever the branches sway, the roots hold it up. Gratitude is not a big enough word for how I feel. It IS all about love.

I don't know how to keep on walking this line
Between my visions and the highway signs
I don't know how to keep on striking the spark
To ignite the flame that will pierce the dark

But I'm already gone
If I can't live while I'm here
Yes I'm already gone
If I can't love through the fear

It's awful hard to keep from being a wreck
When I feel the breath of the reaper cool on my neck
It's hard to live inside the rhyme and the rhythm of the song
To respirate my gratitude and pretend that nothing is wrong

So I hang on tight and watch the slipping sand
Try to hold the contradictions in the palm of my hand
For every grain that tumbles there are more that remain
But the hand that closes to a fist loses all that it contains

So let it crack wide open
Let this broken heart bleed
Let it soak through the soil and nourish the seed
Let the water from my eyes be a gift to the parched land
Till all my sisters and brothers rejoice hand in hand

If I can't love through the fear
Sisters and brothers we must love through the fear

It's all about  
It's all about
All about love

copyright 2007 Joe Jencks