from: The Wonder Deep Within
Lyrics based on Numbers 6:24-26
I grew up singing a choral setting of these Bible verses. When the country went to war with Iraq, I started looking through scripture for references to peace. I was delighted to reacquaint myself with these verses, and made my own interpretation. The lullaby nature of the music seemed appropriately peaceful.
May the Lord bless you
May the Lord keep you
And make His face to shine upon you
Shine down on you
And be gracious to you
May god be gracious to you
And grant you peace in your day
God grant you peace in your day
And always shine on you in peace
Amen, Amen, Amen…
I grew up singing a choral setting of these Bible verses. When the country went to war with Iraq, I started looking through scripture for references to peace. I was delighted to reacquaint myself with these verses, and made my own interpretation. The lullaby nature of the music seemed appropriately peaceful.
May the Lord bless you
May the Lord keep you
And make His face to shine upon you
Shine down on you
And be gracious to you
May god be gracious to you
And grant you peace in your day
God grant you peace in your day
And always shine on you in peace
Amen, Amen, Amen…
Words and Music © 2004 Joe Jencks, Turtle Bear Music