Joe Jencks

Saturday, November 19, 2011

8:00 PM -5

Wylie, TX

Joe Jencks In Concert

4030 N Hwy 78, Wylie, TX 75098 USA

Price: $15.00


Acoustic Concert Tours is a concert series started by Paul Porter, which has found a permanent home in Wylie, Tex. Since the 1990s, Paul and Tom Noe have presented concerts featuring outstanding singer-songwriters from across the country.

Their cozy, smoke-free venue is Tom & Linda's home, the Arms of Eden, near Lake Lavon northeast of Wylie.
A donation of $15 for the performer is requested.
Drinks and snacks are available for donations, or bring something for the potluck.

Come out to the country, kick back, relax, and enjoy some of the best live music around in the intimacy of a living room. If you play, bring your instrument and join in the song circle after the concert.

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