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Joe Jencks

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Madison, VA

Songwriting as Journalism with Joe Jencks

Madison, VA USA

phone: 203-972-3261

Website: Cedar Run Song Workshops Winter Weekend @ SevenOaks Pathwork Center

The famed historian Howard Zinn said, in essence, that while history books can tell us the stories of kings and conquerors, captains of industry, and the owning class, it is songs that tell us the story of the people who lived in those times and did the work to make society function. I agree wholeheartedly.

In this hands-on workshop, we will explore what the craft of songwriting has contributed to the telling of stories of historical merit, and we will discuss and demonstrate how to use songwriting in the present time as a tool for communication. The world is full of stories that need to be told, stories that are left out of the mainstream media. From tales of personal tragedy to stories of whimsy and humor, songwriting can be a timeless and truly effective form of journalism. There are many events and people that we know about only because someone penned a few lines on a scrap of paper which then became part of our common historical record. We'll look at what it means to reserach a song and bring integrity to the process. We'll demonstrate ways to use our craft as a tool for real communication in this modern world. We'll also take a strong look at the music that we choose to use in telling our stories, making sure that the melody and style befit the ideas that we're trying to convey.
Before the end of the weekend, each student will have a rough draft of a new song. So, dig in! Find a story that you want to tell, then let your pen and your instrument become the medium for sharing it!

The cost of registering for the Winter Weekend workshops is $375, which includes room, board, and registration for workshops, along with other activities yet to be announced.

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