Joe Jencks

Friday, December 7, 2007

7%3A30+pm -5

Cincinnati, OH

Joe provides music for a lecture by Joanna Macy

3800 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45207 USA

phone: (513) 745-3922


The Great Turning is a
name for the essential
adventure of our time
the shift from the
industrial-growth society to a life-sustaining civilization.
The ecological and social crises we face are
fueled by an economic system dependent on
constantly accelerating growth. This self-destructive
political economy sets its goals and measures its
performance in terms of ever-increasing corporate
profitsin other words, by how fast materials can be
extracted from the earth and turned into consumer
products, weapons and waste.
A revolution is underway because people are
realizing their needs can be met without destroying
our world. We have the technical knowledge, the
communication tools and the material resources to
grow enough food, meet rational energy needs and
ensure clean air and water.
Whether or not the media recognizes it, The
Great Turning is a realityand it is gaining momentum
through the actions of individuals and groups
around the world. To see this as the larger context of
our lives clears our vision and summons our courage.

Lecture: Free and open to the public.

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